Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research

SPIRIT-PRO Extension Stakeholder Survey Invitation


The SPIRIT-PRO development group are looking for stakeholders to complete a survey to establish which items relating to patient-reported outcomes (PROs) you feel should be included in clinical trial protocols (when PROs are a primary or key secondary outcome).

The group are currently in the process of developing PRO specific guidance for trial protocol writers in the form of an official SPIRIT-PRO extension. This guidance is needed because currently many protocols lack this information, resulting in poor quality PRO data/reporting which limits the use of these data informing patient care, clinical guidelines and health policy. This survey will help ensure that that the final guidance reflects stakeholder views.


Further information about the survey is available from: SPIRIT-PRO Extension Stakeholder Survey Invitation (PDF)

Information about the SPIRIT-PRO extension is available at: SPIRIT-PRO Extension Information (PDF)


To access the survey please visit:
and enter the survey ID: EQ_N
(Please note that the ID is not unique to you, so you cannot be identified from it but it helps the development group to know which stakeholder group you are representing)


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