Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research


25/07/2024 EQUATOR Network Newsletter July 2024

The July 2024 issue of our newsletter is now available.

02/05/2024 New partnership announced between the EQUATOR Network and the Center for Open Science (COS)

Among many of its goals, Open Science is a movement toward better, clearer research. Working toward that goal requires coordinated effort, and it is for that reason that a partnership between the EQUATOR Network and the Center for Open Science (COS) makes sense.

29/04/2024 EQUATOR Network Newsletter April 2024

The April 2024 issue of our newsletter is now available.

31/01/2024 ACCORD is launched: a new reporting guideline to support health researchers to report consensus methods

ACCORD (ACcurate COnsensus Reporting Document) was published this week in PLOS Medicine. The tool will help the scientific community to write complete and transparent research reports involving consensus methods.

30/01/2024 EQUATOR Network Newsletter January 2024

The January 2024 issue of our newsletter is now available.

27/11/2023 Announcing the LATITUDES Network

We are delighted to announce the LATITUDES Network, a parallel resource to the EQUATOR Network providing a free online one-stop-shop to access validity assessment tools

04/10/2023 EQUATOR Network Newsletter October 2023

The October 2023 issue of our newsletter is now available.

20/07/2023 EQUATOR Network Newsletter July 2023

The July 2023 issue of our newsletter is now available.

27/04/2023 EQUATOR Network Newsletter April 2023

The April 2023 issue of our newsletter is now available.

01/03/2023 CONSORT and PRISMA websites down – alternative ways to access the checklists

The affected PRISMA and CONSORT checklists can be accessed from alternative sources

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