Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research


20/05/2019 EQUATOR and PAHO launch online course in Spanish

Leia em português – Leer en Español The EQUATOR Network, in collaboration with the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO), has just launched the Spanish version of their free online course on reporting guidelines. Stay tuned for the Portuguese version, coming […]

07/02/2019 Protected: OUCAGS Research Skills Course: Resources page

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21/11/2018 Protected: Essential Skills in Medical Research: resources page

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12/09/2018 Reproducibility in systematic reviews

            What is necessary for a systematic review report to be reproducible? Watch the presentation by Matthew Page in the Peer Review Congress, showing what reporting guidelines and software are needed to facilitate detailed and […]

09/10/2017 Protected: Introduction to Medical Research: Essential Skills – resources page

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10/03/2017 Reproducibility and replicability of science

This video records an event, held on 26 May 2016 at the Royal Society in London, that focussed on replication and reproducibility in psychology. The event was organised by the Joint Committee for Psychology in Higher Education, the British Psychological […]

10/03/2017 AGREE II

This short video, produced by the BMJ, introduces the AGREE II reporting guideline and discusses how it can help practice guideline developers to ensure the completeness and transparency of reporting in practice guidelines. Watch the video now

11/11/2015 Protected: Introduction to medical research: Module 4: Publication advance reading

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13/08/2014 Videos now available from the scientific meeting in Paris: Improving reporting to decrease the waste of research

The 6th annual lecture, presentations and roundtable discussion were recorded and are now available to watch

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