Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research

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25/06/2024 Supporting best practice in reflexive thematic analysis reporting in Palliative Medicine: A review of published research and introduction to the Reflexive Thematic Analysis Reporting Guidelines (RTARG) 17/04/2024 Consensus reporting guidelines to address gaps in descriptions of ultra-rare genetic conditions 16/02/2024 We don’t know what you did last summer. On the importance of transparent reporting of reaction time data pre-processing 08/02/2024 REPCAN: Guideline for REporting Population-based CANcer Registry Data 02/11/2023 LEVEL (Logical Explanations & Visualizations of Estimates in Linear mixed models): recommendations for reporting multilevel data and analyses 02/11/2023 Data linkage in pharmacoepidemiology: A call for rigorous evaluation and reporting 18/10/2023 ESMO Guidance for Reporting Oncology real-World evidence (GROW) 13/10/2023 Generate Analysis-Ready Data for Real-world Evidence: Tutorial for Harnessing Electronic Health Records With Advanced Informatic Technologies 10/10/2023 MINIMAR (MINimum Information for Medical AI Reporting): Developing reporting standards for artificial intelligence in health care 10/10/2023 Presenting artificial intelligence, deep learning, and machine learning studies to clinicians and healthcare stakeholders: an introductory reference with a guideline and a Clinical AI Research (CAIR) checklist proposal

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