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09/02/2024 The reporting checklist for Chinese patent medicine guidelines: RIGHT for CPM 08/02/2024 The SHARE: SHam Acupuncture REporting guidelines and a checklist in clinical trials 05/04/2023 ACURATE: A guide for reporting sham controls in trials using acupuncture 11/06/2021 RIGHT for Acupuncture: An Extension of the RIGHT Statement for Clinical Practice Guidelines on Acupuncture 28/02/2020 Standard Protocol Items for Clinical Trials with Traditional Chinese Medicine 2018: Recommendations, Explanation and Elaboration (SPIRIT-TCM Extension 2018) 20/08/2019 Reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses of acupuncture: the PRISMA for acupuncture checklist 14/08/2013 Electrodermal activity at acupoints: literature review and recommendations for reporting clinical trials 18/06/2013 Conducting and reporting case series and audits–author guidelines for acupuncture in medicine 24/01/2013 Revised STandards for Reporting Interventions in Clinical Trials of Acupuncture (STRICTA): extending the CONSORT statement

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