Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research

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17/04/2024 Consensus reporting guidelines to address gaps in descriptions of ultra-rare genetic conditions 02/04/2024 REPORT-SCS: minimum reporting standards for spinal cord stimulation studies in spinal cord injury 02/04/2024 CARE-radiology statement explanation and elaboration: reporting guideline for radiological case reports 02/04/2024 Trial Forge Guidance 4: a guideline for reporting the results of randomised Studies Within A Trial (SWATs) 14/03/2024 The RETRIEVE Checklist for Studies Reporting the Elicitation of Stated Preferences for Child Health-Related Quality of Life 16/02/2024 We don’t know what you did last summer. On the importance of transparent reporting of reaction time data pre-processing 14/02/2024 Introducing SoNHR-Reporting guidelines for Social Networks In Health Research 09/02/2024 The reporting checklist for Chinese patent medicine guidelines: RIGHT for CPM 08/02/2024 The SHARE: SHam Acupuncture REporting guidelines and a checklist in clinical trials 08/02/2024 REPCAN: Guideline for REporting Population-based CANcer Registry Data

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