Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research

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01/10/2024 A Reporting Checklist for Discrete Choice Experiments in Health: The DIRECT Checklist 13/06/2024 Consolidated Health Economic Evaluation Reporting Standards for Interventions that use Artificial Intelligence (CHEERS-AI) 15/04/2024 The PICOTS-ComTeC Framework for Defining Digital Health Interventions: An ISPOR Special Interest Group Report 25/10/2023 Best practice guidelines for citizen science in mental health research: systematic review and evidence synthesis 10/07/2023 CHEERS Value of Information (CHEERS-VOI) Reporting Standards – Explanation and Elaboration 14/03/2022 Health-Economic Analyses of Diagnostics: Guidance on Design and Reporting 23/10/2017 Reporting Guidelines for the Use of Expert Judgement in Model-Based Economic Evaluations 06/03/2017 Making economic evaluations more helpful for treatment choices in haemophilia 28/09/2016 A Checklist for Reporting Valuation Studies of Multi-Attribute Utility-Based Instruments (CREATE) 08/09/2015 Preferred reporting items for studies mapping onto preference-based outcome measures: The MAPS statement

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