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24/10/2024 Moving Forward on Tumor Pathology Research Reporting: A Guide for Pathologists From the World Health Organization Classification of Tumors Living Evidence Gap Map by Tumour Type Group 08/02/2024 REPCAN: Guideline for REporting Population-based CANcer Registry Data 10/11/2023 Adjusting for Treatment Switching in Oncology Trials: A Systematic Review and Recommendations for Reporting 18/10/2023 ESMO Guidance for Reporting Oncology real-World evidence (GROW) 06/04/2023 CORE-CERT Items as a Minimal Requirement for Replicability of Exercise Interventions: Results From Application to Exercise Studies for Breast Cancer Patients 14/09/2022 Development of guidelines to reduce, handle and report missing data in palliative care trials: A multi-stakeholder modified nominal group technique 01/06/2022 Murine models of radiation cardiotoxicity: a systematic review and recommendations for future studies 26/07/2017 A literature review of applied adaptive design methodology within the field of oncology in randomised controlled trials and a proposed extension to the CONSORT guidelines 14/07/2017 Reporting and Guidelines in Propensity Score Analysis: A Systematic Review of Cancer and Cancer Surgical Studies 21/10/2016 Evaluation of response after pre-operative radiotherapy in soft tissue sarcomas; the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer-Soft Tissue and Bone Sarcoma Group (EORTC-STBSG) and Imaging Group recommendations for radiological examination and reporting with an emphasis on magnetic resonance imaging

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