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09/12/2024 A child-centred research checklist to improve the design and reporting of paediatric research studies: A descriptive mixed methods study 16/06/2023 Paediatric Ureteroscopy (P-URS) reporting checklist: a new tool to aid studies report the essential items on paediatric ureteroscopy for stone disease 19/05/2022 Use of actigraphy for assessment in pediatric sleep research 06/08/2021 Reporting stAndards for research in PedIatric Dentistry (RAPID): an expert consensus-based statement 31/05/2018 Reporting guidelines for implementation research on nurturing care interventions designed to promote early childhood development 18/10/2016 Eliciting the child’s voice in adverse event reporting in oncology trials: Cognitive interview findings from the Pediatric Patient-Reported Outcomes version of the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events initiative 13/08/2013 Systematic review to determine best practice reporting guidelines for AFO interventions in studies involving children with cerebral palsy 16/07/2013 Preschool vision screening: what should we be detecting and how should we report it? Uniform guidelines for reporting results of preschool vision screening studies 13/06/2013 A systematic review of the reporting of Data Monitoring Committees’ roles, interim analysis and early termination in pediatric clinical trials 29/11/2012 Recommended guidelines for uniform reporting of pediatric advanced life support: the pediatric Utstein style

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