Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research

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24/10/2024 Standardized reporting on studies of psychiatric pharmacist interventions 25/10/2023 Best practice guidelines for citizen science in mental health research: systematic review and evidence synthesis 20/05/2022 Methods and Applications of Social Media Monitoring of Mental Health During Disasters: Scoping Review 02/08/2019 Reporting guidelines on remotely collected electronic mood data in mood disorder (eMOOD)-recommendations 19/08/2016 Guidelines for Reporting Articles on Psychiatry and Heart rate variability (GRAPH): recommendations to advance research communication 07/03/2016 Guidelines for the reporting of treatment trials for alcohol use disorders 13/08/2013 Guidelines for reporting an fMRI study 12/07/2013 Methodological challenges when using actigraphy in research

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