Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research

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26/07/2024 Reporting Conflicts of Interest and Funding in Health Care Guidelines: The RIGHT-COI&F Checklist 09/02/2024 The reporting checklist for Chinese patent medicine guidelines: RIGHT for CPM 01/08/2022 A Reporting Tool for Adapted Guidelines in Health Care: The RIGHT-Ad@pt Checklist 04/05/2022 An extension of the RIGHT statement for introductions and interpretations of clinical practice guidelines: RIGHT for INT 11/06/2021 RIGHT for Acupuncture: An Extension of the RIGHT Statement for Clinical Practice Guidelines on Acupuncture 03/02/2021 The reporting checklist for public versions of guidelines: RIGHT-PVG 02/10/2020 The RIGHT Extension Statement for Traditional Chinese Medicine: Development, Recommendations, and Explanation

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