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24/10/2024 Moving Forward on Tumor Pathology Research Reporting: A Guide for Pathologists From the World Health Organization Classification of Tumors Living Evidence Gap Map by Tumour Type Group 21/10/2016 Evaluation of response after pre-operative radiotherapy in soft tissue sarcomas; the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer-Soft Tissue and Bone Sarcoma Group (EORTC-STBSG) and Imaging Group recommendations for radiological examination and reporting with an emphasis on magnetic resonance imaging 21/10/2016 Standardization of pathologic evaluation and reporting of postneoadjuvant specimens in clinical trials of breast cancer: recommendations from an international working group 19/10/2016 Image-guided Tumor Ablation: Standardization of Terminology and Reporting Criteria—A 10-Year Update 12/10/2016 REporting recommendations for tumour MARKer prognostic studies (REMARK) 11/02/2015 A common language in neoadjuvant breast cancer clinical trials: proposals for standard definitions and endpoints 16/08/2013 Recommended guidelines for the conduct and evaluation of prognostic studies in veterinary oncology 12/08/2013 Research reporting standards for image-guided ablation of bone and soft tissue tumors 09/08/2013 Transcatheter Therapy for Hepatic Malignancy: Standardization of Terminology and Reporting Criteria 09/08/2013 Reporting standards for percutaneous thermal ablation of renal cell carcinoma

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