New reporting guidelines in development
13/06/2012The following guidelines are currently being developed:
CONSORT extension for reporting of health related quality of life (HRQoL) outcomes from trials
The development of this extension is discussed in a BMJ blog and a comment has been published in the Lancet: PMID 22078674
CONSORT extension for reporting randomised controlled trials of social interventions
For additional development information please visit:
CENT (CONSORT Extension for N-of-1 Trials)
An official extension of the CONSORT 2010 Statement is underway for reporting N-of-1 trials. This guidance provides a set of essential items to include when preparing reports of prospectively planned, multiple crossover single patient trials, which may or may not be randomized. The CENT guidance is expected to become available in late 2012. Read a letter to the editor in JAMA on the importance of N-of-1 trials.
PRISMA-extension for equity relevant reviews
The development of this extension is discussed in a BMJ blog and in a PLoS blog. For additional development information please visit:
The REporting of studies Conducted using Observational Routinely-collected Data (RECORD) statement
To develop reporting guidelines for observational studies using health data routinely collected for non-research purposes as an extension of the STROBE statement. A summary document has been prepared which includes a project overview, an outline of the main objectives and a call for stakeholders.
CIRCLe SMT project (Consensus on Interventions Reporting Criteria List Spinal Manipulative Therapy)
For additional development information please visit:
STROBE-RDS (Reporting guidelines for Respondent Driven Sampling studies)
To develop guidelines for the reporting of Respondent Driven Sampling studies. Adapted from the STROBE guidelines for cross-sectional studies. The draft checklist is now available.
More information available here.