SYMPOSIUM: ACT now: Accuracy, Completeness, and Transparency in health research reporting
10/10/2012Scientific Symposium including 4th EQUATOR Annual Lecture organised by the EQUATOR Network and the German Cochrane Centre, 11-12 October 2012 Freiburg, Germany.
Many of the presentations from the symposium are now available to view
on the EQUATOR YouTube Channel. To access these please visit: EQUATOR YouTube Channel
Day 1: Thursday 11th October 2012
An overview of current practice, problems, and their consequences [Slides (PDF)] [Video]
Gerd Antes, Director, German Cochrane Centre, Freiburg, Germany
Session 1 – Current state of play
Session Chair: Prof Amanda Burls, Director of Postgraduate Programmes in Evidence-Based HealthCare (EBHC), University of Oxford
Improving the quality and value of research publications – how can we speed up progress? [Slides (PDF)] [Video]
Doug Altman, Director, Centre for Statistics in Medicine, Oxford, UK
How do journals publish research (and how much has changed in the last 300 years)? [Slides (PDF)] [Video]
Liz Wager, Consultant, Sideview, UK
What research institutions, journals and funders are and should be doing to promote trustworthy research [Video]
Steven Goodman, Professor of Medicine & Health Research and Policy, Stanford University
School of Medicine, USA
Session 2 – Current state of play
Session Chair: Dr Trish Groves, Deputy editor, BMJ and Editor-in-chief, BMJ Open
Research reporting and its integration into international policies on research for health [Slides (PDF)]
Ludovic Reveiz, Senior Advisor, Research Promotion & Development, Pan American Health Organization
Garbage in – garbage out? Impact of poor reporting on the development of systematic reviews [Slides (PDF)] [Video]
Erik von Elm, Cochrane Switzerland, Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (IUMSP),
Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland
The need for reports of new research to begin with up-to-date analyses of what is already known [Slides (PDF)] [Video]
Iain Chalmers, Coordinator, James Lind Initiative, UK
Session 3 — Contributed research presentations
Session Chair: Prof Ana Marusic, Chair, Department of Research in Biomedicine
and Health, University of Split School of Medicine, Split, Croatia
Do drug dossiers of pharmaceutical companies provide additional information on study methods compared to journal publications? (RQRS-001) [Slides (PDF)] [Video]
Sebastian Werner, Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care, Cologne, Germany
Does journal endorsement of reporting guidelines influence the completeness of reporting of health research? A Systematic Review (IRG-005) [Slides (PDF)]
Larissa Shamseer, The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, Canada
Impact of active CONSORT guidelines implementation by journal editors on the reporting of abstracts of randomized trials: an interrupted time-series analysis (IRG-003) [Slides (PDF)] [Video]
Sally Hopewell, Centre for Statistics in Medicine, University of Oxford, UK; INSERM, Paris, France
Implementations scheme of the CONSORT guidelines for RCT manuscripts submitted to the American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics (AJO-DO) (IRG-002) [Slides (PDF)] [Video]
Nikolaos Pandis, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
Potential Barriers for Journals Attempting to Implement a Reporting Guidelines Policy (IRG-004) [Slides (PDF)] [Video]
Jason Roberts, Headache Editorial Office, Plymouth, USA
Session 4 — Initiatives to improve transparency of health research
Session Chair: Prof Gerd Antes, Director, German Cochrane Centre, University Medical Centre Freiburg, Germany
The EQUATOR Network [Slides (PDF)] [Video]
Iveta Simera, Head of Programme Development, EQUATOR Network, Oxford, UK
Importance of protocols in research transparency [Slides (PDF)]
An-Wen Chan, Women’s College Research Institute, University of Toronto, Canada
The COMET (Core Outcome Measures in Effectiveness Trials) Initiative
Paula Williamson, Professor of Medical Statistics, Director of the Clinical Trials Research Centre (CTRC), University of Liverpool, UK
Overcome failure to Publish nEgative fiNdings: the OPEN project [Slides (PDF)] [Video]
Joerg Meerpohl, OPEN Consortium, German Cochrane Centre, University Medical Centre,
Freiburg, Germany
Day 2: Friday 12th October 2012
Changing current practice – how to ACT
Britta Lang, German Cochrane Centre, Freiburg, Germany
Session 1 — Teaching, learning and practicing good reporting
Session Chair: Dr Kenneth Schulz, Distinguished Scientist and Vice President, Quantitative Sciences, FHI 360, Chapel Hill, USA
Accuracy, Completeness, and Transparency: lessons from Tamiflu experience [Slides (PDF)] [Video]
Peter Doshi, Postdoctoral Fellow in Comparative Effectiveness Research, Johns Hopkins
University Medical School, US
Barriers in published reports that inhibit use in clinical practice
Paul Glasziou, Director, Bond University Centre for Research in Evidence-Based Practice,
Training for better research reporting [Slides (PDF)] [Video]
Ana Marusic, Chair, Department of Research in Biomedicine and Health, University
of Split School of Medicine, Croatia
Session 2 — Power and responsibilities of organisations
Session Chair: Dr John Hoey, Professor (adjunct) Queen‘s University, Kingston, Canada
Supporting research – a funder‘s perspective [Slides (PDF)]
Mark Pitman, Methodology Theme Leader, Medical Research Council, UK
Regulatory agencies in the EU: What is our role? [Slides (PDF)] [Video]
Marcus Muellner, Head, Austrian Medicines and Medical Devices Agency, Vienna, Austria
The responsibility of Editors and Publishers in Reporting of Research [Slides (PDF)] [Video]
Ginny Barbour, Medicine Editorial Director, PLOS; Chair COPE
How can universities promote accurate, complete and transparent reporting of health research? [Slides (PDF)] [Video]
Amanda Burls, Senior Fellow and Director of Postgraduate Programmes in Evidence-Based HealthCare (EBHC),University of Oxford, UK
Session 3 — 4th EQUATOR Annual Lecture
Session Chair: Prof Doug Altman, Director, Centre for Statistics in Medicine, Oxford, UK
Reporting and reproducible research:
salvaging the self-correction principle of science [Slides (PDF)] [Video]
John Ioannidis, Professor of Medicine,
Health Research and Policy, and Statistics,
Stanford University, USA.
Programme book
Download the full symposium programme book containing biographies of the invited speakers: programme book (PDF)
Abstract book
Download the symposium abstract book containing the abstracts for contributed papers and posters: abstract book (PDF)
Post-symposium news and press coverage
New editorial published
After attending the symposium Vivienne Bachelet, Editor in Chief of MedWave in Chile, published an editorial discussing the importance of the EQUATOR Network in promoting good reporting of health research studies.
Bachelet VC. The importance of EQUATOR Network as a resource to promote good reporting of research studies. Medwave 2012 Nov;12(10):e5551.
Newspaper coverage
Article in Badische Zeitung 22 October 2012
Wissenschaftler kämpfen gegen die Tricks der Pharmaindustrie
Supporting organisations