Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research

The latest PAHO research newsletter highlights EQUATOR plans to engage librarians


The EQUATOR Network aims to develop more specialised resources to help librarians/information specialists to raise awareness about reporting guidelines.

Recently, PAHO country office librarians under the PAHO HQ library joined a virtual session where the initiative “Improving research reporting in Latin America and the Caribbean” was presented. The session was moderated by Shona Kirtley and supported by Iveta Simera and Eleana C Villanueva. Shona explained why librarians and information specialists are key in this project, alerted participants of the resources available to them on the EQUATOR website. Shona also invited participants to join the initiative.

For more information visit: the EQUATOR Librarian Network

PAHO research newsletter (PDF) October 2013

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