Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research

Medwave expresses full support to transparent reporting and to the EQUATOR Network


In her letter to the EQUATOR Network Dr Vivienne C. Bachelet, Editor-in-chief, Medwave and Executive director, Medwave Group states:

“Medwave fully supports transparent and accurate health research reporting and the EQUATOR Network.

We express this in our author and reviewer instructions and in the following editorials:

Editorial: The importance of EQUATOR Network as a resource to promote good reporting of research studies

Editorial: The requirement to disclose individual patient data in clinical studies will bring down the wall behind which the pharmaceutical industry hides the truth: the Kerkoporta is ajar

Editorial: Missing clinical trial data, but also missing publicly-funded health studies

Editorial: Why the Helsinki Declaration now encourages trial registration, and publication and dissemination of the results of research




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