Lancet series on ‘Research: increasing value, reducing waste’
09/01/2014The Lancet launched its’ latest series focusing on ‘Research: increasing value, reducing waste’ on Wednesday 8 January 2014 at a symposium at the UCL Institute of Child Health, London. Consisting of five papers, the series highlights important issues regarding biomedical research prioritisation, research design, regulation and management of research, data accessibility and research reporting. The fifth paper in the series examines incomplete or unusable research reports and highlights the work of the EQUATOR Network in trying to address these issues.
Series Papers
How to increase value and reduce waste when research priorities are set. Iain Chalmers, Michael B Bracken, Ben Djulbegovic, Silvio Garattini, Jonathan Grant, A Metin Gülmezoglu, David W Howells, John P A Ioannidis, Sandy Oliver. Link to summary (free access to the full-text is available by registering on the Lancet website)
Increasing value and reducing waste in research design, conduct, and analysis. John P A Ioannidis, Sander Greenland, Mark A Hlatky, Muin J Khoury, Malcolm R Macleod, David Moher, Kenneth F Schulz, Robert Tibshirani. Link to summary (free access to the full-text is available by registering on the Lancet website)
Increasing value and reducing waste in biomedical research regulation and management. Rustam Al-Shahi Salman, Elaine Beller, Jonathan Kagan, Elina Hemminki, Robert S Phillips, Julian Savulescu, Malcolm Macleod, Janet Wisely, Iain Chalmers. Link to summary (free access to the full-text is available by registering on the Lancet website)
Increasing value and reducing waste: addressing inaccessible research. An-Wen Chan, Fujian Song, Andrew Vickers, Tom Jeff erson, Kay Dickersin, Peter C Gøtzsche, Harlan M Krumholz, Davina Ghersi, H Bart van der Worp. Link to summary (free access to the full-text is available by registering on the Lancet website)
Reducing waste from incomplete or unusable reports of biomedical research. Paul Glasziou, Douglas G Altman, Patrick Bossuyt, Isabelle Boutron, Mike Clarke, Steven Julious, Susan Michie, David Moher, Elizabeth Wager. Link to summary (free access to the full-text is available by registering on the Lancet website)
How should medical science change? Sabine Kleinert, Richard Horton. Link to summary (free access to the full-text is available by registering on the Lancet website)
Biomedical research: increasing value, reducing waste. Malcolm R Macleod, Susan Michie, Ian Roberts, Ulrich Dirnagl, Iain Chalmers, John P A Ioannidis, Rustam Al-Shahi Salman, An-Wen Chan, Paul Glasziou. Link to summary (free access to the full-text is available by registering on the Lancet website)
The Lancet Series web page