Collaborative initiative involving 28 rehabilitation and disability journals
09/04/201428 major rehabilitation and disability journals have joined together in a collaborative initiative to enhance research reporting standards through adoption of reporting guidelines. The initiative requires authors to use relevant reporting guidelines when preparing their manuscripts for submission to any one of the 28 journals involved in the initiative. Reviewers will also be asked to use reporting guidelines when peer reviewing submitted manuscripts. It is hoped that by joining together the quality of research reports, spanning all 28 major rehabilitation and disability journals, will be improved enabling easier evaluation and better clinical applicability.
Chan L, Heinemann AW, Roberts J. Elevating the quality of disability and rehabilitation research: mandatory use of the reporting guidelines. Am J Occup Ther. 2014; 68(2):127-129. PMID: 24581397
Chan L, Heinemann AW, Roberts J. Elevating the quality of disability and rehabilitation research: mandatory use of the reporting guidelines. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2014; 93(4):279-281. PMID: 24642689
Chan L, Heinemann AW, Roberts J. Elevating the quality of disability and rehabilitation research: mandatory use of the reporting guidelines. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2014; 95(3):415-417. PMID: 24559651
Chan L, Heinemann AW, Roberts J. Elevating the quality of disability and rehabilitation research: mandatory use of the reporting guidelines. Clin Rehabil. 2014;28(4):315-318. PMID: 24599637
Chan L, Heinemann AW, Roberts J. Elevating the quality of disability and rehabilitation research: Mandatory use of the reporting guidelines. Disabil Health J. 2014;7(2):131-3. PMID: 24680040
Chan L, Heinemann AW, Roberts J. Elevating the quality of disability and rehabilitation research: mandatory use of the reporting guidelines. Int J Rehabil Res. 2014. Jun;37(2):103-4. PMID: 24710152
Chan L, Heinemann AW, Roberts J. Elevating the quality of disability and rehabilitation research: mandatory use of the reporting guidelines. J Neurol Phys Ther. 2014; 38(2):101-103.
Chan L, Heinemann AW, Roberts J. Elevating the quality of disability and rehabilitation research: mandatory use of the reporting guidelines. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2014 Apr;44(4):228-30. PMID: 24684193
[No authors listed] Reprint of: Elevating the quality of disability and rehabilitation research: Mandatory use of the reporting guidelines. Man Ther. 2014;19(2):87-9. PMID: 24703585
Chan L, Heinemann AW, Roberts J. Elevating the quality of disability and rehabilitation research: mandatory use of the reporting guidelines. OTJR (Thorofare N J). 2014; 34(2):58-60. PMID: 24673377
Chan L, Heinemann AW, Roberts J. Elevating the quality of disability and rehabilitation research: mandatory use of the reporting guidelines. Phys Ther. 2014;94(4):446-8. PMID: 24692536
Participating editors and journals
Sharon A. Gutman, PhD, OTR
American Journal of Occupational Therapy
Walter R. Frontera, MD, PhD
American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Leighton Chan, MD, MPH, and Allen W. Heinemann, PhD,
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Helene J. Polatajko, PhD, OT(C)
Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy
Derick T. Wade, MD
Clinical Rehabilitation
Suzanne McDermott, PhD, and Margaret A. Turk, MD
Disability and Health Journal
Stefano Negrini, MD
European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
Steven Vogel, DO(Hon)
The International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine
Crt Marincek, MD, PhD
International Journal of Rehabilitation Research
M. Solomonow, PhD, MD(hon)
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology
Paolo Bonato, PhD
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation
Edelle [Edee] Field-Fote, PT, PhD
Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy
Guy G. Simoneau, PhD, PT
Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports PhysicalTherapy (JOSPT)
Mark Elkins, PhD, MHSc, BA, BPhty
Journal of Physiotherapy
Stacieann C. Yuhasz, PhD
Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development
Bengt H. Sjolund, MD, DMSc
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
Carl G. Mattacola, PhD, ATC
Journal of Sport Rehabilitation
Ann Moore, PhD, and Gwendolen Jull, PhD
Manual Therapy
Randolph J. Nudo, PhD
Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair
Kathleen Matuska, PhD, OTR/L
OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health
Ann F. Van Sant, PT, PhD
Pediatric Physical Therapy
Greg Carter, MD
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America
Rebecca L. Craik, PT, PhD
Physical Therapy
Dina Brooks, PhD
Physiotherapy Canada
Stuart M. Weinstein, MD
Elaine L. Miller, PhD, RN
Rehabilitation Nursing
Elliot J. Roth, MD
Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation
Dilsad Sindel, MD
Turkish Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation