Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research

Introduction to medical research: essential skills 2: Research design and protocol


4 October 2014:  Module 2: Research design and protocol

Dr Iveta Simera, Head of Programme Development, EQUATOR Network
Professor Doug Altman, Director, Centre for Statistics in Medicine and the EQUATOR Network
Dr Gary Collins, Associate Professor and Deputy Director, Centre for Statistics in Medicine

Speaker Description Resources to download
Welcome and recap of last session Iveta  The research question and PICO Developing a research question (pdf)
Introduction to study design Doug Presentation and discussion Introduction to study design (pdf)
Critical appraisal of study design Doug Practical on DVT paper in Lancet
Developing a protocol Gary Presentation and discussion Developing a protocol (pdf)
Measurement issues and avoiding the pitfalls Doug The O in PICO The importance of measurement (pdf)

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