12/12/2014Improving the trustworthiness of what biomedical journals publish: targeting authors, editors, and peer reviewers
EQUATOR Canada Centre Launch
Ottawa, Canada, 16 October 2014
Dr. David Moher, Senior Scientist, Ottawa Health Research Institute, Ottawa, Canada; Director, Canadian EQUATOR Centre
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute (OHRI) welcome [Slides (PDF)]
Dr. Dean Fergusson, Director & Senior Scientist, Clinical Epidemiology Program, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Launching EQUATOR Canada: past, present, and future [Slides (PDF)]
Dr. David Moher, Senior Scientist, Ottawa Health Research Institute, Ottawa, Canada; Director, Canadian EQUATOR Centre
Why published medical research may not be good for your health [Slides (PDF)]
Professor Doug Altman, Director, Centre for Statistics in Medicine, Oxford, UK; Director UK EQUATOR Centre
Posting results an important step forward in transparency [Slides 1 (PDF)] [Slides 2 (PDF)]
Professor Philippe Ravaud, Director, Centre of Epidemiology at the Hotel-Dieu (Paris); Director, French EQUATOR Centre
2016 Year of reporting guidelines – background and update
Dr. Jason Roberts, Managing editor, Headache, US
Reproducibility: the role of funding agencies [Slides (PDF)]
Dr. Danika Goosney, Director, Science, Knowledge Translation and Ethics, Canadian Institutes of Health Research
How research reporting can keep an informed patient awake at night [Slides (PDF)]
Dr. Jorge Laucirica, Independent Consultant
Editors panel moderated by Dr. Don Miller, past editor-in-chief Canadian Journal of Anesthesia
Dr. John Fletcher (CMAJ)
Dr. Peter Tugwell (JCE)
Dr. Greg Bryson (CJA)
Dr. Jason Roberts (Headache)
Closing remarks
Dr. David Moher, Senior Scientist, Ottawa Health Research Institute, Ottawa, Canada; Director, Canadian EQUATOR Centre