Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research

Top websites sending users to EQUATOR resources


Using Google Analytics we have identified that the websites listed below sent most users to EQUATOR website resources in 2014. The online submission software Manuscript Central (Scholar One) sent by far the most users to the EQUATOR website.

Top 10 journals:
1.  The BMJ
2.  The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
4.  Heart
5.  Emergency Medicine Journal
6.  The Lancet
7.  Science Translational Medicine
8.  JAMA
9.  Revista de Saude Publica
10.  PLOS Medicine

Top 5 journal / publisher sites:
1.  Journals BMJ
2.  Elsevier Journals
3.  Oxford University Press Journals
4.  Academic Journals
5.  BioMed Central Journals

Top 10 other sites:
1.  The Cochrane Collaboration
2.  SPIRIT Statement website
3.  CONSORT Statement website
4.  Centre for Cognitive Aging and Cognitive Epidemiology (Systematic review
Step-by-step guide)
5.  European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
6.  Twitter
7.  International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) website
8.  LinkedIn
9.  KEATS (King’s e-learning and teaching service)
10.  Scielo


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