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PRISMA-P Statement for protocols published


An extension to the PRISMA Statement has recently been published in the journal Systematic Reviews. Developed by an international panel of experts, the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Protocols (PRISMA-P) 2015 statement provides guidance on essential information that should be included in protocols for systematic reviews and meta-analyses.

In addition to the detailed PRISMA-P 17-item checklist, the PRISMA-P Group have also produced a comprehensive explanation and elaboration paper (published in the BMJ) to help researchers to understand and use the PRISMA-P guidance when writing protocols.


For further details about PRISMA-P and links to the checklist and papers please visit: PRISMA-P Statement

Read a blog post about systematic review protocols by Larissa Shamseer, PhD candidate in the Knowledge Synthesis Group at the University of Ottawa, and David Moher, co-Editor-in-Chief of Systematic Reviews


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