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British Journal of Dermatology publishes a position statement


The British Journal of Dermatology has recently published an editorial summarising some of the thoughts expressed in a series of 14 invited editorials published to mark the 125-year anniversary of the journal in 2013-2014.

The editorial asks what does the British Journal of Dermatology now stand for in 2015 and discusses the publication of dermatology clinical trials, epidemiological studies, systems dermatology, quality of life research, qualitative research methods and translational research.

The editorial concludes with a position statement stating that the British Journal of Dermatology aims to publish the highest quality research encompassing the following:

  • Clinical trials that are registered before recruitment starts and that report fully according to the CONSORT guidelines;
  • Clinical studies that include epidemiology, qualitative research and mixed methods that conform to the STROBE and SRQR reporting guidelines;
  • Translational research that describes basic and applied science of potential clinical relevance.

The above points will all be addressed in detail in subsequent editorials to be published in the coming months.

Read the full editorial at:


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