Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research

Introducing MERIDIAN, home of reporting guidelines for research involving animals


Reporting guidelines for research on animals now has a home! The newly launched Menagerie of Reporting Guidelines Involving Animals – MERIDIAN – is hosted by the Iowa State University and run by Dr Annette O’Connor.

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Since our inception, the EQUATOR Network has focused on reporting guidelines for health research, restricted to research involving human participants in some way. The reporting guideline movement has since expanded to include animal and cell research. We have collected those reporting guidelines that deal with animal preclinical research, but have not systematically collected guidelines for animal research. MERIDIAN fills that gap.

MERIDIAN will collect all reporting guidelines for research involving animals, including biomedical, preclinical, livestock, and veterinary research that involves biomedical, companion, and food product animals. The database holds almost 30 guidelines already.

If you would like to draw MERIDIAN’s attention to another reporting guideline involving animal research, please contact Annette O’Connor.

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