REWARD | EQUATOR Conference 2020
13/06/2019The next REWARD | EQUATOR Conference will take place in Berlin, Germany, from 20-22 February 2020.
Hosted by the QUEST Center at the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) the conference will focus on:
Sharing Strategies for Research Improvement:
- Challenges and opportunities for improvement for ethics committees and regulators, publishers, institutions and researchers, and funders
- Methods for measuring and testing interventions
Conference theme and programme information is available at:
Key dates:
01 July 2019 ·Start Registration
01 July 2019 ·Start Abstract Submission
15 September 2019 ·Abstract Submission Deadline
31 October 2019 ·Registration EARLY BIRD Deadline
20-22 February 2020 · REWARD | EQUATOR Conference
Visit the REWARD | EQUATOR conference website for full details: