Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research

Australasian Centre: Publication school (2-day workshop)


4 – 5 May 2022  9am – 5pm

The secrets of success in writing and publishing research

This Publication School workshop covers all you need to know to plan for write up and publish your research, to clearly communicate your findings, and to disseminate beyond traditional journals, using social media and other channels.

The Australasian EQUATOR Centre at Bond University is running the EQUATOR Network’s flagship Publication School, developed by the UK EQUATOR Centre at the University of Oxford. The teachers for this workshop have published hundreds of research articles and served on editorial boards of major journals.

Many published health research articles are poorly reported. They provide insufficient, misleading, or ambiguous information that cannot be used to inform future research or improve healthcare for patients. This workshop will help you avoid the common mistakes and improve your chances of publication.

During this workshop you will gain the skills to:

  1. Write the key sections of a research article efficiently and effectively.
  2. Use reporting guidelines such as CONSORT, PRISMA, and STROBE to guide the writing task, assist publication, & improve the impact of your research.
  3. Find the right journal and navigate different journal’s editorial processes.
  4. Respond to and provide constructive peer review.

Date: Wednesday 4th & Thursday 5th May 2022 from 9am – 5pm on both days

Venue: Princeton Room, Bond University, 14 University Drive, Robina

Cost: Bond Staff & Students: $1000; GCHHS Staff: $1000; General $1400 (GST Inc)

Inclusions: 2 days; Morning, Afternoon tea, Lunch; Resources

Facilitators: Professor Paul Glasziou AO and IEBH Team

Applications: To apply, please visit the course page here.

Please email cerueti@bond.edu.au  for more information or if you are unsure of the workshop’s suitability for your needs.

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