Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research

EQUATOR-UKRN webinar: enhance your writing and peer review in biomedical research with reporting guidelines


Thursday 7 April, 13:00-15:00 BST (GMT+1)


In 2021, The EQUATOR Network became an affiliate stakeholder of the UK Reproducibility Network (UKRN), which aims to improve the trustworthiness and quality of research. To further these aims, the UK EQUATOR Centre will deliver an introductory webinar with the UKRN on using reporting guidelines for biomedical research on Thursday 7 April, 13:00-15:00 BST (GMT+1).


The first half of the webinar will be an interactive introduction to reporting guidelines, covering what reporting guidelines are, why they are needed, how to choose an appropriate reporting guidline, and how to use reporting guidelines in writing, editing, and peer review. The second half of the webinar will feature a panel of methodology and writing experts and reporting guideline developers discussing participantsā€™ questions about reporting guidelines and their development.

This webinar is open to anyone interested in reproducibility in biomedical research and how reporting guidelines can help. It is also suitable for those looking for help in using reporting guidelines or in teaching reporting guidelines to others.

Sign up for the webinar on theĀ UKRN website

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