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24/10/2024 Moving Forward on Tumor Pathology Research Reporting: A Guide for Pathologists From the World Health Organization Classification of Tumors Living Evidence Gap Map by Tumour Type Group 14/03/2022 A Scoping Review of Four Decades of Outcomes in Nonsurgical Root Canal Treatment, Nonsurgical Retreatment, and Apexification Studies: Part 3-A Proposed Framework for Standardized Data Collection and Reporting of Endodontic Outcome Studies 23/08/2016 Reporting Guidelines for Health Care Simulation Research: Extensions to the CONSORT and STROBE Statements 15/10/2015 The Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) Statement: guidelines for reporting observational studies 18/06/2013 Reporting participation in case-control studies 05/12/2012 Point and interval estimates of effect sizes for the case-controls design in neuropsychology: rationale, methods, implementations, and proposed reporting standards

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