Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research

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24/10/2024 Standardized reporting on studies of psychiatric pharmacist interventions 27/10/2022 Best Practice in the chemical characterisation of extracts used in pharmacological and toxicological research-The ConPhyMP-Guidelines 01/06/2022 Towards better reporting of the proportion of days covered method in cardiovascular medication adherence: A scoping review and new tool TEN-SPIDERS 10/03/2022 Heterogeneity in the Identification of Potential Drug-Drug Interactions in the Intensive Care Unit: A Systematic Review, Critical Appraisal, and Reporting Recommendations 23/09/2020 STrengthening the Reporting Of Pharmacogenetic Studies: Development of the STROPS guideline 28/11/2019 Guidelines for reporting case studies and series on drug-induced QT interval prolongation and its complications following acute overdose 26/07/2017 Guidance to develop individual dose recommendations for patients on chronic hemodialysis 17/03/2015 Reporting Guidelines for Clinical Pharmacokinetic Studies: The ClinPK Statement 27/06/2013 Guidelines for field surveys of the quality of medicines: a proposal 20/06/2013 Recommendations for reporting adverse drug reactions and adverse events of traditional Chinese medicine

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