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29/07/2024 Improving laboratory animal genetic reporting: LAG-R guidelines 17/04/2024 Consensus reporting guidelines to address gaps in descriptions of ultra-rare genetic conditions 06/05/2021 Ensuring best practice in genomics education and evaluation: reporting item standards for education and its evaluation in genomics (RISE2 Genomics) 23/09/2020 STrengthening the Reporting Of Pharmacogenetic Studies: Development of the STROPS guideline 12/10/2016 REporting recommendations for tumour MARKer prognostic studies (REMARK) 28/01/2015 American College of Medical Genetics standards and guidelines for interpretation and reporting of postnatal constitutional copy number variants 19/08/2013 The HuGENetâ„¢ HuGE Review Handbook, version 1.0. Guidelines for systematic review and meta-analysis of gene disease association studies 19/08/2013 Publication of population data for forensic purposes 19/08/2013 Publication of population data of linearly inherited DNA markers in the International Journal of Legal Medicine 27/06/2013 Reporting genetic results in research studies: summary and recommendations of an NHLBI working group

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