Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research

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22/11/2024 CAse-BAsed REview sTandards (CABARET): Considerations for Authors, Reviewers, and Editors 07/11/2024 A consensus guideline on preferred items for reporting case series in homeopathy: The PITCH statement 24/01/2024 Development of the Reporting Infographics and Visual Abstracts of Comparative studies (RIVA-C) checklist and guide 28/09/2023 Checklist for studies of HIV drug resistance prevalence or incidence: rationale and recommended use 06/04/2023 Defining measures of kidney function in observational studies using routine health care data: methodological and reporting considerations 22/03/2023 STandards for Reporting Interventions in Clinical Trials Of Tuina/Massage (STRICTOTM): Extending the CONSORT statement 19/01/2023 The SUPER reporting guideline suggested for reporting of surgical technique 07/12/2022 PROBE 2023 guidelines for reporting observational studies in Endodontics: A consensus-based development study 03/11/2022 How to Report Data on Bilateral Procedures and Other Issues with Clustered Data: The CLUDA Reporting Guidelines 15/09/2022 The DoCTRINE Guidelines: Defined Criteria To Report INnovations in Education

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