Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research

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11/01/2018 Methodology of assessment and reporting of safety in anti-malarial treatment efficacy studies of uncomplicated falciparum malaria in pregnancy: a systematic literature review 01/08/2017 Improving the reporting of clinical trials of infertility treatments (IMPRINT): modifying the CONSORT statement 13/09/2016 Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology for Newborn Infection (STROBE-NI): an extension of the STROBE statement for neonatal infection research 22/06/2016 Medical abortion reporting of efficacy: the MARE guidelines. 06/08/2013 Research reporting standards for endovascular treatment of pelvic venous insufficiency 05/07/2013 Design, execution, interpretation, and reporting of economic evaluation studies in obstetrics

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