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16/10/2023 A systematic review and cluster analysis approach of 103 studies of high-intensity interval training on cardiorespiratory fitness 14/09/2023 Systematic Development of Standards for Mixed Methods Reporting in Rehabilitation Health Sciences Research 02/06/2023 Recommendations for the development, implementation, and reporting of control interventions in efficacy and mechanistic trials of physical, psychological, and self-management therapies: the CoPPS Statement 16/05/2023 Development, explanation, and presentation of the Physical Literacy Interventions Reporting Template (PLIRT) 06/04/2023 CORE-CERT Items as a Minimal Requirement for Replicability of Exercise Interventions: Results From Application to Exercise Studies for Breast Cancer Patients 28/07/2017 Improving the reporting of therapeutic exercise interventions in rehabilitation research 06/03/2017 Clarity in Reporting Terminology and Definitions of Set End Points in Resistance Training

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