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22/11/2024 CAse-BAsed REview sTandards (CABARET): Considerations for Authors, Reviewers, and Editors 21/06/2024 TRIPLE C reporting principles for case study evaluations of the role of context in complex interventions 31/05/2022 Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Outcomes After Operative Treatment of Aberrant Subclavian Artery Pathologies and Suggested Reporting Items 14/02/2022 Development of the CLARIFY (CheckList stAndardising the Reporting of Interventions For Yoga) guidelines: a Delphi study 18/05/2021 The APOSTEL 2.0 Recommendations for Reporting Quantitative Optical Coherence Tomography Studies 01/08/2017 Single organ cutaneous vasculitis: Case definition & guidelines for data collection, analysis, and presentation of immunization safety data 28/07/2017 Improving the reporting of therapeutic exercise interventions in rehabilitation research 26/07/2017 Guidance to develop individual dose recommendations for patients on chronic hemodialysis 14/07/2017 Adaptation of the CARE Guidelines for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork Publications: Efforts To Improve the Impact of Case Reports 18/10/2016 Reporting Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Men on Active Surveillance for Prostate Cancer: The PRECISE Recommendations-A Report of a European School of Oncology Task Force

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