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18/06/2024 Guideline for reporting systematic reviews of outcome measurement instruments (OMIs): PRISMA-COSMIN for OMIs 2024 24/01/2024 Development of the Reporting Infographics and Visual Abstracts of Comparative studies (RIVA-C) checklist and guide 25/10/2023 Best practice guidelines for citizen science in mental health research: systematic review and evidence synthesis 05/05/2023 Transparent reporting of multivariable prediction models for individual prognosis or diagnosis: checklist for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (TRIPOD-SRMA) 21/11/2022 Development of the ASSESS tool: a comprehenSive tool to Support rEporting and critical appraiSal of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods implementation reSearch outcomes 11/11/2022 Evidence-based statistical analysis and methods in biomedical research (SAMBR) checklists according to design features 03/11/2022 Best practice guidance and reporting items for the development of scoping review protocols 21/10/2022 Methods for developing and reporting living evidence synthesis 11/07/2022 Development of a reporting guideline for systematic reviews of animal experiments in the field of traditional Chinese medicine 19/05/2022 Methodological standards for conducting and reporting meta-analyses: Ensuring the replicability of meta-analyses of pharmacist-led medication review

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