EQUATOR Network publications 2011
Cobo E, Cortes J, Ribera JM, Cardellach F, Selva-O’Callaghan A, Kostov B, Garcia L, Cirugeda L, Altman DG, Gonzalez JA, Sanchez JA, Miras F, Urrutia A, Fonollosa V, Rey-Joly C, Vilardell M. Effect of using reporting guidelines during peer review on quality of final manuscripts submitted to a biomedical journal: masked randomised trial. BMJ. 2011; 343:d6783. PMID: 22108262
Moher D, Weeks L, Ocampo M, Seely D, Sampson M, Altman DG, Schulz KF, Miller D, Simera I, Grimshaw J, Hoey J. Describing reporting guidelines for health research: a systematic review. J Clin Epidemiol. 2011;64(7):718-742. PMID: 21216130
Hopewell S, Hirst A, Collins GS, Mallett S, Yu LM, Altman DG. Reporting of participant flow diagrams in published reports of randomized trials. Trials. 2011;12:253. PMID: 22141446
Kac G, Hirst A. Enhanced quality and transparency of health research reporting can lead to improvements in public health policy decision-making: help from the EQUATOR Network. Cad Saude Publica. 2011;27(10):1872. PMID: 22031192
Article available in English and Spanish.
Simera I, Reveiz L. Nueva alianza entre la Organizacion Panamericana de la Salud y la Red EQUATOR para mejorar la escritura y publicacion de estudios de investigacion de salud. [New alliance between the Panamerican Health Organization and the EQUATOR Network to improve writing and publication of articles on health outcomes research.] Med Clin (Barc). 2011;137(5):208-210. PMID: 21185037