Reporting guidelines under development for clinical trials protocols
Clinical trial protocols and SPIRIT extensions
(year of registration in brackets)
SPIRIT-C – SPIRIT Extension for trials in Child Health (2014)
PLOT (Protocol Lab for Online Trials) (2019)
SPIRIT 2022 Statement (Update) (2020)
SPIRIT-ROUTINE – SPIRIT Extension for protocols of trials using cohorts and routinely collected data (2021)
SPIRIT-MCT – SPIRIT Extension for Multicenter Clinical Trials (2022)
SPIRIT-Nut – SPIRIT Extension for Interventional Trials of NUTritional interventions (2022)
RECONSIDER – Reporting extension of CONSORT and SPIRIT for Inclusion, Diversity, Ethnicity and Race (2022)
AD ASTRA – SPIRIT and CONSORT extensions for dog-assisted interventions (2024)
Reporting Guideline for Environmental Outcomes in Clinical Trials: SPIRIT Extension (2024)
SPIRIT Extension for trials in Child Health: SPIRIT-C (registered 22 September 2014, last updated 31 January 2024)
An official extension of the SPIRIT 2013 Statement defining standard protocol items for clinical trials in children is currently under development. A Delphi process to generate possible reporting standards for the guideline has taken place in Q2-3 2014. A Consensus meeting was held on 15 September 2014. The group informs that the evidence synthesis, Delphi survey and international consensus have been completed. The checklists have been finalised (available on request).
Update January 2024: The updates to SPIRIT-C are underway. Periodic updates are shared on the EnRICH website.
- Read the results of the systematic review
- Read a viewpoint article published in JAMA Pediatrics
- Read the project protocol
- Contact: Dr Martin Offringa,
PLOT (Protocol Lab for Online Trials) (registered 5 December 2019)
The PLOT consortium aims to build a research reporting checklist for protocols of randomised controlled trials involving the online participation of patients and citizens. PLOT is designed as an extension of the SPIRIT reporting guideline but focussed on the reporting of patient and public involvement (PPI) in trials conducted through the internet. The checklist will apply to clinical trials and also to mixed methods study protocols.
The group has reviewed the literature on patient and public involvement in the design of clinical trials, about the engagement of citizens in clinical trials through online sources and about dissemination practices about PPI. They are also identifying uncertainties around informed consent.
An online Delphi process will be used to develop the reporting guideline to be used in writing protocols for clinical trials involving self-recruitment. This process involves a wide range of stakeholders: researchers, clinicians, patient and public representatives, guideline developers, publishers, epidemiologists, methodologists, ethicists, content experts, funders, journal editors. The PLOT research reporting guideline will be piloted with student groups, new career researchers, contributors for English as a second language, and members of the public (planned for mid-2020). The group plans to publish the PLOT reporting guideline as an open-access document in the last quarter of 2021.
There is a dissemination plan for PLOT involving a dedicated website, the inclusion in the EQUATOR database, publishing editorials, lobbying with journals, academic institutions and funders, presentations in conferences, posting in social media, and online training.
- Contact: Dr Amy Price, Stanford University School of Medicine. E-mail:
SPIRIT 2022 Statement (Update) (registered 18 November 2020)
The SPIRIT authors plan to update the SPIRIT 2013 Statement, which contains a 33-item checklist. The update, SPIRIT 2022, applies to the content of a clinical trial protocol, including its appendices, and provides guidance for minimum protocol content.
The SPIRIT 2022 Statement will primarily relate to the content of the protocol rather than its format, which is often subject to local regulations, traditions, or standard operating procedures. Nevertheless, adherence to certain formatting conventions will facilitate protocol review.
The intent of SPIRIT 2022 will be to promote transparency and a full description of what is planned—not to prescribe how a trial should be designed or conducted. The checklist should not be used to judge trial quality because the protocol of a poorly designed trial may address all checklist items by fully describing its inadequate design features. With an updated evidence base, the authors also plan to produce the SPIRIT 2022 Explanation and Elaboration article.
The CONSORT and SPIRIT groups have merged, and the resulting combined group will update both guidelines simultaneously. The individuals in SPIRIT-CONSORT are An-Wen Chan, Kenneth Schulz, David Moher, Asbjørn Hróbjartsson, Isabelle Boutron, and Sally Hopewell.
They started development in 2019 and are currently conducting a comprehensive literature search for evidence. As part of the development process, they will organise an international face-to-face consensus meeting. With the COVID-19 pandemic, they do not believe they can hold that meeting until late 2021. Thus, at present, they plan to publish the materials in 2022 as open access documents.
- Dr An-Wen Chan. E-mail:
SPIRIT-ROUTINE – for protocols of trials using cohorts and routinely collected data (registered 5 May 2021)
The reporting guideline SPIRIT guides the reporting of protocols of clinical trials. This project aims to systematically develop, test and effectively disseminate an extension of SPIRIT specifically for studies conducted using cohorts and routinely collected data (RCD): the SPIRIT-ROUTINE.
The project comprises five stages:
1- project launch, steering group gathering and definition of the scope of the extension;
2 – rapid literature review including other key reporting guidelines;
3 – two-round Delphi exercise;
4 – virtual consensus meeting that will finalise the items to include in the extension;
5 – publication preparation and dissemination of the final checklist.
The group plans to publish the project protocol soon. The final publication of the reporting guideline is planned as an open-access document.
- Contact: Megan McCarthy, University College Cork. E-mail:
SPIRIT-MCT – SPIRIT Extension for Multicenter Clinical Trials (registered 18 May 2022, updated 9 January 2024)
Multicentre trials are increasingly common, but writing protocols for such studies can be challenging. This project aims to find solutions to help reduce heterogeneity between study centres and avoid excessive centre effects on treatments. This will be an extension of the SPIRIT reporting guideline for multicentre trials.
The project, funded by Health and Medical Research Fund (Hong Kong), is led by the Chinese EQUATOR Centre and includes a multidisciplinary team of clinicians, trialists, methodologists, developers of reporting guidelines, epidemiologists, statisticians and editors. Using SPIRIT as a starting point, the group leading the project is reviewing the literature, and they plan to conduct a Delphi survey and a consensus meeting to agree on the final items of the checklist. They also plan a pilot study to test the applicability of the checklist.
The group plans to publish the reporting guideline as an open-access document in 2023.
- Read the protocol
- Read the results of a cross-sectional study investigating the reporting of multicenter clinical trial protocols
- Contact: Prof. Zhao-Xiang Bian; Dr Xuan Zhang. E-mails:;
SPIRIT-Nut – SPIRIT Extension for Interventional Trials of NUTritional interventions (registered 14 June 2022)
This evidence-based and consensus-driven reporting guideline is being developed for protocols of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of nutritional interventions. Although almost all of the elements in the SPIRIT statement apply equally to the reporting protocols of RCT of nutritional interventions, some elements might need to be adapted, tailored or extended. The “Standard Protocol Items: Recommendations for Interventional Trials of NUTritional interventions” is an official SPIRIT development aiming at consolidating existing and potentially new guidance for reporting such protocols. It will provide examples of good reporting for each item in the final consolidated checklist, with explanations for each adaptation or additional item.
Interested stakeholders should contact the project team to get involved in the development and dissemination of this reporting guideline.
The project is also registered in the Open Science Framework platform and the detailed project can be found here.
- Contact: Michael Schlüssel. E-mail:
RECONSIDER – Reporting extension of CONSORT and SPIRIT for Inclusion, Diversity, Ethnicity and Race (registered 18 November 2022) – Access this registration details here.
AD ASTRA – SPIRIT and CONSORT extensions for dog-assisted interventions (registered 16 January 2024) – Access this registration details here.
Reporting Guideline for Environmental Outcomes in Clinical Trials: SPIRIT Extension (registered 18 June 2024)
This extension of the SPIRIT reporting guideline will help authors report the environmental impacts of the clinical interventions being tested in randomised controlled trials, considering the progression of climate change. According to developers, If clinical outcomes show no significant differences, the results of environmental outcomes could be crucial in determining which intervention to choose. The environmental considerations of the possible environmental effects of trial interventions must already be included at the protocol stage.
This project is linked to the development of the CONSORT extension for environmental outcomes in clinical trials, also registered here.
Representatives of the CONSORT-SPIRIT Executive Group, recently involved in CONSORT and SPIRIT update, are involved in the project.
The group will start with a systematic review of relevant methods in reporting of environmental effects of interventions in randomised clinical trials. Next, the generated reporting standards will be evaluated in a Delphi process to reach consensus on the guideline items. This will be followed by pilot testing in multiple randomised clinical trials, and then the proposed guideline will be tested. The feedback from the pilot testing will then be incorporated to the finalised reporting guideline.
Development is starting in June 2024, and the group is applying for funding. They plan to publish the reporting guideline, as an open-access document, in 2027.
- Contact: Johanne Juul Petersen, Copenhagen Trial Unit, Rigshospitalet, Denmark. E-mail:
Page last updated on 6 December 2024