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Guidelines for Accurate and Transparent Health Estimates Reporting: the GATHER statement

Reporting guideline provided for?
(i.e. exactly what the authors state in the paper)
Reporting practices for studies that calculate health estimates for multiple populations (in time or space) using multiple information sources.
Full bibliographic reference Stevens GA, Alkema L, Black RE, Boerma JT, Collins GS, Ezzati M, Grove JT, Hogan DR, Hogan MC, Horton R, Lawn JE, Marušić A, Mathers CD, Murray CJ, Rudan I, Salomon JA, Simpson PJ, Vos T, Welch V; GATHER Working Group. Guidelines for Accurate and Transparent Health Estimates Reporting: the GATHER statement.

Lancet. 2016. pii: S0140-6736(16)30388-9. PMID: 27371184
PLoS Med. 2016;13(6):e1002056. PMID: 27351744

Language English
Availability in additional languages The GATHER Statement has been translated into Portuguese (PDF), French (PDF), Spanish (PDF).

The GATHER checklist has been translated into the following languages:

Arabic     PDF / Word

Chinese      PDF / Word

French     PDF / Word

Portuguese     PDF / Word

Russian     PDF / Word

Spanish     PDF / Word

Reporting guideline website URL http://gather-statement.org/
Reporting guideline acronym GATHER
Study design Observational studies
Applies to the whole report or to individual sections of the report? Data, Narrative sections (discussion etc.), Results, Statistical methods and analyses, Study characteristics (participants etc.)
Additional information Read the report (PDF) from the guideline development working group meeting held in 2015.
Record last updated on November 26, 2021


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