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EANM procedure guidelines for brain neurotransmission SPECT using I-labelled dopamine transporter ligands, version 2

Reporting guideline provided for?
(i.e. exactly what the authors state in the paper)
Reporting the results of clinical dopamine transporter (DAT) single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) studies using I-labelled radiopharmaceuticals
Full bibliographic reference Darcourt J, Booij J, Tatsch K, Varrone A, Vander Borght T, Kapucu OL, Någren K, Nobili F, Walker Z, Van Laere K. EANM procedure guidelines for brain neurotransmission SPECT using I-labelled dopamine transporter ligands, version 2. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2010;37(2):443-450.
Language English
PubMed ID 19838702
Clinical area Neurology, Nuclear medicine, Radiology
Applies to the whole report or to individual sections of the report? Images, Procedure/Method, Results, Study characteristics (participants etc.)
Record last updated on August 22, 2013


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