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Reporting guideline provided for? (i.e. exactly what the authors state in the paper) |
Reporting of human microbiome epidemiology studies. |
Full bibliographic reference | Mirzayi C, Renson A; Genomic Standards Consortium; Massive Analysis and Quality Control Society, Zohra F, Elsafoury S, Geistlinger L, Kasselman LJ, Eckenrode K, van de Wijgert J, Loughman A, Marques FZ, MacIntyre DA, Arumugam M, Azhar R, Beghini F, Bergstrom K, Bhatt A, Bisanz JE, Braun J, Bravo HC, Buck GA, Bushman F, Casero D, Clarke G, Collado MC, Cotter PD, Cryan JF, Demmer RT, Devkota S, Elinav E, Escobar JS, Fettweis J, Finn RD, Fodor AA, Forslund S, Franke A, Furlanello C, Gilbert J, Grice E, Haibe-Kains B, Handley S, Herd P, Holmes S, Jacobs JP, Karstens L, Knight R, Knights D, Koren O, Kwon DS, Langille M, Lindsay B, McGovern D, McHardy AC, McWeeney S, Mueller NT, Nezi L, Olm M, Palm N, Pasolli E, Raes J, Redinbo MR, Rühlemann M, Balfour Sartor R, Schloss PD, Schriml L, Segal E, Shardell M, Sharpton T, Smirnova E, Sokol H, Sonnenburg JL, Srinivasan S, Thingholm LB, Turnbaugh PJ, Upadhyay V, Walls RL, Wilmes P, Yamada T, Zeller G, Zhang M, Zhao N, Zhao L, Bao W, Culhane A, Devanarayan V, Dopazo J, Fan X, Fischer M, Jones W, Kusko R, Mason CE, Mercer TR, Sansone SA, Scherer A, Shi L, Thakkar S, Tong W, Wolfinger R, Hunter C, Segata N, Huttenhower C, Dowd JB, Jones HE, Waldron L. Reporting guidelines for human microbiome research: the STORMS checklist. Nat Med. 2021;27(11):1885-1892. |
Language | English |
PubMed ID | 34789871 |
Relevant URLs (full-text if available) |
Read the full-text of the STORMS guideline. |
Reporting guideline website URL | https://stormsmicrobiome.org/ |
Reporting guideline acronym | STORMS |
Study design | Observational studies |
Applies to the whole report or to individual sections of the report? | Whole report |
Record last updated on | March 14, 2022 |