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Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance guidelines for reporting cardiovascular magnetic resonance examinations

Reporting guideline provided for?
(i.e. exactly what the authors state in the paper)
Cardiac and vascular imaging findings related to the performance of cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) examinations
Full bibliographic reference Hundley WG, Bluemke D, Bogaert JG, Friedrich MG, Higgins CB, Lawson MA, McConnell MV, Raman SV, van Rossum AC, Flamm S, Kramer CM, Nagel E, Neubauer S. Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance guidelines for reporting cardiovascular magnetic resonance examinations. J Cardiovasc Magn Reson. 2009;11:5.
Language English
PubMed ID 19257889
Clinical area Cardiovascular medicine, Radiology
Applies to the whole report or to individual sections of the report? Images, Procedure/Method, Results, Study characteristics (participants etc.)
Record last updated on August 21, 2013


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